
About Animeotaku3000: /l ゙(゚、 。 7 ~meow?  l、゙ ~ヽ  じしf_, )ノ uhhmm im part cat...i can change from cat to human whenever i want to but when im human i still have the cat ears and tail X3 i dont know why they wont go away lol

*more recent* *ehem* i didnt delete what was up there because that is for RP purposes = ^ - ^ =

You actually broke my heart. I never thought anyone could possibly do that, but of course you were the only one that could. Now all I could think about is what could have been...I hate that you still hurt me, even after all this time, it angers me even more that I'm no where near your thoughts...Everytime I think about it I can't help but cry, I know I sound stupid right now, I'm trying to move on, and I sort of did...but I know, that you've made such an impact in my life that I'll never forget about you an Otaku *waits for people to leave the room* i loves anime, manga, and video games x3 i really like friendly people :3 そして、日本語をべんきようします。